Interior view of kitchen with breakfast nook, wood millwork, and terrazzo counters














Front of house with modern windows and brick pattern

Exterior view of gable with view into master bedroom

Exterior view with close up of brick pattern

Rosedale House - First Floor Plan

Rosedale House - Second Floor Plan

Rosedale House - Third Floor Plan

Living room with double-height space, built-in bookshelf, and large sliding glass door


Category: Residential

Project Year: 2018-2019

Status: Unbuilt

Location: Toronto, Canada

"Rosedale House" is a speculative research project testing ideas for the semi-detached housing typology common throughout Toronto.

On the exterior, the project is an exploration of contextualization. How can infill housing in Toronto generate a dialogue and a sense of belonging with its century-old neighbours, but still look and feel contemporary?  As an attempt to answer this, the volume of the building respects and reinterprets the basic geometries of the existing structure and its adjacent buildings. To play off of the depth of the neighbouring houses, the brick cladding takes a contemporary twist on traditional coursework methods.

The resulting interior then uses materiality and light to create distinct spaces within a relatively open floor plan. To do this, two volumes — one light, white, and airy, and one heavy, rich, and wood-clad — intersect each other throughout the house.  While the living room and dining room are pushed to the back to a brightly-lit double-height space, the kitchen, study space, and bedrooms are treated with rich wood paneling and softer lighting.

The result is a home which is sensitively thought externally towards its context, and internally towards the actual activities and moods of those who cook, dine, study, entertain, and sleep there.


Kitchen space with view to entrance and staircase threshold, with terrazzo countertops and wood wall cladding

Sculpted staircase with wood cladding, skylight, and reading nook

Reading nook washed in late-afternoon sun, with skylight above

Cozy mezzanine study space overlooking living room and out to neighbourhood

Master bedroom with skylight above